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Silk Screen Printing Done Cheap

Screen printing by LocoPrint

Top Secret - If you need to learn how to screenprint but don't have any money, I can help you. (for water based ink only)

  1. All you need is one silk screen

  2. Save money on chemicals by going to a supplier and getting samples of emulsion, emulsion remover, tack and even ink.

  3. Can't afford an exposure unit? - use the sun to burn your screens. It is quicker, stronger and free on a sunny day

  4. Can't spend thousands on a wash out bay - go to a car wash. just be sure to wet your screen before transporting. Water stops the process of the emulsion hardening

  5. You don't really need a press for one color shirts. Slide a board in the shirt and carefully place the screen on the shirt. 

  6. You don't need and expensive dryer. Use laundromat dryers for water based ink or use a heat gun for plastisol

Here's a guide to screenprinting on the cheap - This is for WATER BASED INK - not plastisol

  1. Coat your screen using any thin, flat plastic object. CD cases are perfect.

  2. Dry your screen in any dark place.

  3. Print your image on any clear or vellum paper and place it on your screen. Use a piece of glass to hold it down to the screen.

  4. Take your screen with the image under glass out into the sun for about 25 seconds

  5. Get the screen wet on both sides to stop the image burning process, cover the screen with a rag or bag to keep it from getting too much sun.

  6. Go to a carwash and spray out the screen. Now you have your screen!

  7. Tape off the edges. I like to tape from the inside.

  8. Slide a board into your shirt. If you got some spray tack that will help big time.

  9. Place your screen on your shirt. Be careful to keep it flat

  10. Put some ink on the screen

  11. Use your flat object to push the ink through the screen onto the shirt

  12. Carefully remove the screen and take the board out from the shirt. Put your shirt somewhere to dry

  13. Take your shirt to a laundrymat that has hot dryers. Heat cures your ink so it won't wash out easily

I print t-shirts. Whether you want simple silk screened t-shirts, full color direct to garment print or custom cut heat applied vinyls featuring custom spot colors (like sparkly, chrome or reflective stuff), I can help.


My specialty is one or two colored t-shirts printed for contractors, landscapers, truckers and builders. I prefer the 50/50 poly cotton because they last longer. I like to use grey because it keeps a clean look longer. This are great for working crew members because they are inexpensive and durable.

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