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Vehicle wraps are full color images wrapped

completely around a car. Materials include

perforated window film and printable vinyl. Printable vinyl is more expensive than cut vinyl but offers the advantage of being able to have full color and photographic images printed on it.


Cut vinyl has some advantages as well. The first advantage is cost. Cut vinyl is aleady colored and does not require ink or laminiation to protect it, making cut vinyl less expensive because less materials are involved. The second advantage is the ability to use specialty colors that can't be printed like neons, reflectives, sparkles and metallics. Cut viny can only be done in solid colors, you can not have gradients or fades in cut vinyl.



The best way to get the most out of your buck is to use cut vinyl for lettering and phone numbers and wrap material for images. This is a great way to get a top quality look and save HUNDEREDS of dollars.

Vehicle Wraps vs. Cut vinyl:

Saving $$$ while retaining that

eye popping appeal


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